Friday, 23 October 2015 00:00

Truck Driving Safety Tips | Trucking Jobs | Bancroft & Sons

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Bancroft & Sons Blog – Truck Driving Safety Tips


            At Bancroft & Sons, we take safety very seriously. The safety of our drivers, other motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians is our top priority. We’ve compiled some of our favorite safety tips that will benefit all drivers, no matter what you’re driving!


- Check your mirrors often

- Always use your signals when making lane changes and always ease into your lane change listening for horns and watching the corresponding mirror.

- DO NOT SPEED. Pay attention to all traffic control devices/signs.

- Do not tailgate. Allow at least six (6) seconds of space between you and the vehicle ahead. Space Management is imperative to preventing accidents.

- Driver slower than posted limits when traveling in inclement weather. (Rain, Sleet, Snow, Ice, Fog, etc.)

- Keep your eyes ahead of traffic.

- Only use your phone with a hands-free device. NEVER TEXT AND DRIVEFatigued driving is dangerous and is an unnecessary risk. Stay within your allotted hours, take your break, and if you need to take additional breaks during your shift, do so in a safe location never on the side of the road!

Are you looking for a new company to work for that will make you feel valued & gives the benefits you’re looking for? Look no further than Bancroft & Sons! Apply now or give us a call at (972)790-3777 ext 154!

Last modified on Friday, 12 February 2016 19:01