Friday, 10 June 2022 16:21

The Different Kinds of Pay Scales

You may be surprised to know that truck driving is one of the most common jobs in America today. While careers in other fields are being downsized and outsourced, more positions for truck drivers are becoming available.   What Makes Truck Driving So Great? One reason why more and more people are considering a trucking job is due to the competitive and lucrative salary that a driver can receive. Depending on the company, you can be paid per mile or paid hourly. Both options come with several great advantages that help you get the most out of any trucking job.…
Thursday, 26 May 2022 00:00

Are Dedicated Routes for You?

There are many benefits of working as a truck driver; great pay and benefits, stable income, a new adventure every day at work! Despite the great benefits and pay of a CDL driver, some people dismiss the thought of a career in logistics due to the misconception that they will not be able to spend time with their loved ones. At Bancroft & Sons, we are a trucking company that ensures our employees get to spend time with their friends and family. We do this by establishing dedicated routes, which leads to consistent and reliable time at home. You can…
Friday, 15 April 2022 16:21

The Rise of the Trucker

Do you know someone who is a professional truck driver? It extremely likely you do; truck driving is currently America’s most common job, according to a recent study by National Public Radio. According to the study, truck driving has been so successful in America because it is impossible to automate or outsource! Even better, the industry is expected to grow in the coming years. Check out the following map, which shows the most popular career in each state.   Bancroft and Sons is always looking for dependable, licensed team and solo truck drivers! We offer competitive truck driver salaries with…
Friday, 11 February 2022 16:58

Not Every Trucking Job is Equal

At the end of the day, drivers want to feel like their employers actually care about them, want to invest in their success, and value the fact that they may need some downtime away from the job. Drivers work long hours for low pay, often in isolation in strange areas. What are companies doing wrong and why are drivers flocking to Bancroft?
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